Regex Work/Example of Usage

I used [ ]{2,} in the find what section to look for areas with spaces >2
This way it does not include "First String" and put a comma between those words
I then used "," in Replace with to convert this section of words to be ready for csv

Find what: [ ]{2,}
Replace with: ,

First String    Second      1.22      3.4
Second          More Text   1.555555  2.2220
Third           x           3         124

First String,Second,1.22,3.4
Second,More Text,1.555555,2.2220
Ballif, Bryan, University of Vermont
Ellison, Aaron, Harvard Forest
Record, Sydne, Bryn Mawr

Bryan Ballif (University of Vermont)
Aaron Ellison (Harvard Forest)
Sydne Record (Bryn Mawr)

Regex used: 
Find what: (\w+), (\w+),\s((.)*)
Replace with: \2 \1 \(\3\)

In this regex, I am finding the first word before the comma, the second word after the comma, and 
any amount of words after the second comma. This allows me to capture Univerity of Vermont
and Harvard Forest even when they have different amount of spaces. I then
replaced the text using grouping to return reorderd first and second words, with third group
of words in parathenses.

0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3 0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3 0003 Winder Slide.mp3 0004 Walking Cane.mp3

0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3
0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3
0003 Winder Slide.mp3
0004 Walking Cane.mp3

Find what: (?<=.mp3)(\s)
Replace with: \n

In this question, were looking for the first space preceded by '.mp3'
We then replace that space with a new line to get everything on separate lines

0001 Georgia Horseshoe.mp3
0002 Billy In The Lowground.mp3
0003 Winder Slide.mp3
0004 Walking Cane.mp3

Georgia Horseshoe_0001.mp3
Billy In The Lowground_0002.mp3
Winder Slide_0003.mp3
Walking Cane_0004.mp3

Find what: (\d+) ([^.mp3]*)
Replace with: \2_\1

In this section, I searched for the digits for one group, and all the words between the digits and '.mp3'
After that, I swapped the groups in replace and included a '_' for the digit group to be placed after the name



Find what: (\w)\w+,(\w+),\d+.\d+,(\d+)
Replace with: \1_\2,\3

In this section I searched for the whole string and group the first character,
the second word, and the last digit
I then replaced with the first group, returning the first character, with an '_', followed
by the second word in the find, and then added the last digit as well.


Find what: (\w)\w+,(.{4})\w+,\d+.\d+,(\d+)
Replace with: \1_\2,\3

Similar to the last question, but instead our new first group is only 
the first 4 characters of the second word. This way when we do the same
replacement as before, we only get the first four characters of the second 
word, and not the whole word.

Campen, 44, 10.2
Camher, 3, 10.5
Myrpun, 4, 12.2
Lasneo, 55, 3.3

Find what: (.{3})\w+,(.{3})\w+,(\d+.\d+),(\d+)
Replace with: \1\2, \4, \3

Similar to the previous two quesitons, but now our groups of focus are 
the first 3 characters of each word, the final digit from original data, 
and ending with the rational number

id  target_name pathogen_binary sampling_date   site_code   field_id    bombus_spp  host_plant  bee_caste   sampling_event  pathogen_load
1   BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    6   imp*atiens  solidago    worker  4   2414168.805
3   BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   MUDGE   18  impatiens   c!rown vetch    worker  4   760793.2324
4   BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   MUDGE   11  im&patiens  c$rown vetch    worker  4   0
5   BQCV    NA  9/9/2020    BOST    11  impatiens   sol)idago   male    4   0
6   BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   CIND    14  -i@mp#a^tiens   k*no%t w%eed    worker  4   124236.7921
8   BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   MUDGE   4   impatiens   crown v$et(ch   worker  4   413814.5638
10  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    13  impatien$s  red clover  worker  4   1028831.605
11  BQCV    NA  7/7/2020    BOST    38  impatiens   red clover  worker  2   307696378.8
12  BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   MUDGE   5   _imp*atiens c+rown vetch    worker  4   0
13  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    12  impatien+s  solid#ago   male    4   311873.0526
15  BQCV    0   9/9/2020    BOST    18  _impatiens  solidag)o   worker  4   0
16  BQCV    NA  9/9/2020    BOST    23  impati+e(ns s!olidago   male    4   1674951.391
17  BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   CIND    20  impa#tiens  red cl$over worker  4   3214026.976
18  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    11  i^m+patiens bi_rdsfoo_t worker  4   995592.63
19  BQCV    NA  9/10/2020   CIND    17  i%mpatiens  red+ @clover    worker  4   0
20  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    16  imp(atiens  #red c_lover    worker  4   200804.8542
21  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    17  impatiens   solid@ago   worker  4   228085.8104
22  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    7   impati^ens  solidago    worker  4   7261151.315
23  BQCV    NA  7/7/2020    COL 22  )impati^ens red clov#er worker  2   817906.8276
24  BQCV    1   7/7/2020    BOST    45  impatiens   red_ cl)over    worker  2   858658.6884

Result: Clean this baby

First part: Replacing the NAs with 0

Find what: \bNA\b
Replace with: 0

This regex will use boundary catching to isolate the search of NA, as we dont want to include NA that is also in the word name
We then replace this value with 0

Second part: Getting rid of special characters in bombus_spp and host_plant column

Find what: [^,/.a-zA-Z\d\s:]
Replace with: (leave blank)

Note: Replaces underscores in column names as well, unsure how to avoid that at the moment but easier to modify column names then an entire sheet

Third and final part: Get rid of unneccessary white spaces

Find what: [ ]
Replace with: (leave blank)

This will get rid of all blank spaces, now the data is clean!

id  targetname  pathogenbinary  samplingdate    sitecode    fieldid bombusspp   hostplant   beecaste    samplingevent   pathogenload
1   BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    6   impatiens   solidago    worker  4   2414168.805
3   BQCV    0   9/10/2020   MUDGE   18  impatiens   crownvetch  worker  4   760793.2324
4   BQCV    0   9/10/2020   MUDGE   11  impatiens   crownvetch  worker  4   0
5   BQCV    0   9/9/2020    BOST    11  impatiens   solidago    male    4   0
6   BQCV    0   9/10/2020   CIND    14  impatiens   knotweed    worker  4   124236.7921
8   BQCV    0   9/10/2020   MUDGE   4   impatiens   crownvetch  worker  4   413814.5638
10  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    13  impatiens   redclover   worker  4   1028831.605
11  BQCV    0   7/7/2020    BOST    38  impatiens   redclover   worker  2   307696378.8
12  BQCV    0   9/10/2020   MUDGE   5   impatiens   crownvetch  worker  4   0
13  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    12  impatiens   solidago    male    4   311873.0526
15  BQCV    0   9/9/2020    BOST    18  impatiens   solidago    worker  4   0
16  BQCV    0   9/9/2020    BOST    23  impatiens   solidago    male    4   1674951.391
17  BQCV    0   9/10/2020   CIND    20  impatiens   redclover   worker  4   3214026.976
18  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    11  impatiens   birdsfoot   worker  4   995592.63
19  BQCV    0   9/10/2020   CIND    17  impatiens   redclover   worker  4   0
20  BQCV    1   9/10/2020   CIND    16  impatiens   redclover   worker  4   200804.8542
21  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    17  impatiens   solidago    worker  4   228085.8104
22  BQCV    1   9/9/2020    BOST    7   impatiens   solidago    worker  4   7261151.315
23  BQCV    0   7/7/2020    COL 22  impatiens   redclover   worker  2   817906.8276
24  BQCV    1   7/7/2020    BOST    45  impatiens   redclover   worker  2   858658.6884